Debts of previous birth as per Lal Kitab

Debts of previous birth as per Lal Kitab

-Acharya Anupam Jolly

Because of the inflicted planets present in the Horoscope, the native has various kinds of debts of his previous birth which he has to pay in this life. That means various types of burdens of debts will be prevailing upon the native because of which the progress in the life of the native will be hindered.

Because of the malefic effect of the inflicted planets, benefit planets also stop giving favorable results. So, native should get rid of the burden of debts, thereby in the later part of the life good and benefit planet’s beneficence will be exhibited and favors can be obtained as shown in the horoscope.

One has to observe the circumstances when the invisible debts, as mentioned below, influence the native’s life and accordingly steps to be taken for remedial measures.

Self Debts

Planetary Position : If Venus, Saturn or Rahu or two of these three or all of three are situated in the 5th house of horoscope, then the native will have self debts.

Indications: Fear from King, punishment or payment of penalty in legal suits even though you are faultless; heart diseases, pain in shoulders, physical weakness, difficulty in eyes, spoiling life.

Events : The native will become an atheist, do not care dharma/religion, Health will not be favorable; the native will not follow the customs of ancestors.

Remedies : Collect adequate amount of money (one or five or maximum ten rupees that can be affordable) from blood relations (native’s grandfather – grandmother, father – mother, sister, daughter – father’s sister, brother, father’s brother, etc.) and collectively perform religious sacrifice at a place where religious rites are performed.

Mother Debts

Planetary Position : If ketu is situated in the 4th house of horoscope, then the native will have burden of debts to mother.

Indications:  There will not be any helping persons to the native. All his efforts will become futile. He has to face punishment or pay penalty to Government. Life will not be peaceful. They expose others dignity or play with it, steal foot wear, they will not get the gain out of their education, waste money for the treatment for the sickness of their relatives, etc.

Events : The native influenced by debts to mother will have bad or strained relations with mother. The native will not care for the happiness of mother. The native will be away from mother or she will be sent out of house.
Dirty and impurities will be thrown in the well situated in the house or nearby house or impurities will be thrown in the pond situated nearby. There is a possibility of flowing a river nearby the residence of the native and he throws dirty/impure material in it.

Remedies : Collect adequate quantity of silver by weight that can be affordable, from blood relations (native’s grandfather – grandmother, father – mother, sister, daughter – father’s sister, brother, father’s brother, etc.) and leave in a flowing river on the same day.

Debts to Relatives

Planetary Position : If Mercury or ketu or both are situated in 1st or 8th house in the horoscope, then the native will have debts to relatives.

Indications: killing or getting killed a she buffalo which is going to deliver a calf, performing black magic at the time of construction of a house or laying foundation stone by others, hating those people who mingle with the relatives of the native, keeping away in the functions like birth days of children or family festivals.

Events : The native cheats his friends, spoils the work done by others or burns the ripe crops in the agricultural fields of others.

Remedies : Collect adequate amount of money that can be affordable from blood relations (native’s grandfather – grandmother, father – mother, sister, daughter – father’s sister, brother, father’s brother, etc.) and donate for the improvement of the services of artists and doctors working in the center of the village.

Debts to Girl Child/Sisters

Planetary Position : If Moon situated in the 3rd or 6th house of the horoscope of the native, it indicates Debts to Girl Child/Sisters.

Indications: Cheating girls while in youth, murdering or outraging sisters/ daughters, selling or exchanging innocent kids out of greediness, or performing secret deeds which will never come out.

Events : The bad words hurt the others more severely than that caused by a sword. There will be bad and adverse results to wealth and life of the native who is blessed with a son. Mother wantonly feels irresponsible. Mourning with happiness, bad/adverse results to in-laws and maternal grandfather, loss of entire yearly income at the end of the year.

Remedies : Collect adequate quantity of yellow cowries (shells) from blood relations (native’s grandfather – grandmother, father – mother, sister, daughter – father’s sister, brother, father’s brother, etc.) and on the same day burn and mix the ashes in flowing water.

Father Debts

Planetary Position : Either Venus or mercury or Rahu or any two of these three or all these three planets are situated in 2nd or 5th or 9th or 12th house of the horoscope of the native, then there will be burden of debts to father.

Indications: Changing or defaming of family priest, districting the shrine constructed along with residence, cutting or having holy long pepper tree.

Events : The hair of the any one of the elder’s persons in the family will become white. After turning to white, the hair color starts becoming pale. Complaining of cough, or events like keeping the stigma of the bad actions of all other people on his head, etc., will happen.

Remedies : collect adequate amount of money (one or five or ten rupees that can be affordable to maximum extent) from blood relations (native’s grandfather – grandmother, father – mother, sister, daughter – father’s sister, brother, father’s brother, etc.) and on the same day donate in a temple.

Debts to Females

Planetary Position : If Sun or Moon or Rahu or any two out of these three or all these three planets are situated in the 7th house of the horoscope then the native will have debts to females.

Indications: Spoiling the livelihood of the relatives/family members, killing a female at the time of delivery out of greediness, taming and keeping animals having teeth, causing hatred ness in the family, the main gate of the house will be on South direction, killing of living beings, possessing house or machinery by cheating, illegally possessing anything and using completely, etc.

Events : Benefit results of the progeny will be mild, holes in the skin, diseases in secret organs, Cremation of dead body at the time of marriage of anybody, commencement of contacts with another female while the matrimonial contacts are being disconnected, that means, having second marriage.

Remedies : Collect adequate amount of money from blood relations (native’s grandfather – grandmother, father – mother, sister, daughter – father’s sister, brother, father’s brother, etc.) and donate to a cow shed to feed 100 cows, which are not physically crippled.

Debts to Evil Person

Planetary Position : If Sun or moon or Mars or two out of these three or all these three are situated in 10th or 11th house in the horoscope, then the native is having Debts to evil person.

Indications: Not purchasing machinery or houses even after giving advance, sending out of examination hall without any reason, disputes or legal cases against elder people without any reason etc.

Events : Untimely death of progeny or in-laws, godowns of oil or coconut or wood or any other commodity of trade getting fired, no fate of residing in the house purchased, if house is purchased repairing stair case or demolishing stair case and again constructing, incidents like drinking poisons, death out of weapons.

Remedies : Collect adequate amount of money from blood relations (native’s grandfather – grandmother, father – mother, sister, daughter – father’s sister, brother, father’s brother, etc.) and feed fish at 100 different places.

Debts during entire life time

Planetary Position : If Sun or Venus or both are situated in 12th house in the horoscope, then the native will have debts during his entire lifetime.

Indications: Leakage of electricity wires, burning of houses, lakhs-crore of people ruined in short period of time, incidents like missing or theft, swindling, misappropriation of gold, injury on head or diseases related to head, starting from the childhood to old age proved to be worthless, becoming poor and helpless even after performing any work after thinking and planning thoroughly, asthma-epilepsy, cough, difficulties of cough, unexpected death, flow of dirty and impure water below the corridor, accumulation of heaps of dust and waste material or filth in front and backside of the residence.

Events : Penalty or imprisonment as punishment in court judgments, cheating in-laws or others in the society or performing such type of cheating by which others family or employment or business get loss.

Remedies : Collect coconuts from blood relations (native’s grandfather – grandmother, father – mother, sister, daughter – father’s sister, brother, father’s brother, etc.) and leave them in flowing water on the same day.

Godly Debts

Planetary Position : If moon or mars is situated in 6th house in horoscope then the native is having Debts to God.

Indications: Dog bites, children falling from upstairs or kids run over by vehicles, pain in ears, pain in the back – bone, not getting progeny or death of progeny after birth, difficulties in the happiness of progeny, urinary problems, loss to maternal grandfather, accidents and harmful events during journeys.

Events : Cheated by people who are considered to be confident, killing or getting killed dogs, receiving adverse blessings from poor or saints, bad character, wondering with other boys and spoiling them, bad intentions, causing loss to others out of greediness.

Remedies : Collect adequate amount of money from blood relations (native’s grandfather – grandmother, father – mother, sister, daughter – father’s sister, brother, father’s brother, etc.) and feed 100 dogs in only one day.

1 Comment

  1. I am facing severe debt and money problems. Disharmony in married life.
    I sit at home, but someone or the other come and take away my money.

    Severe money problems where I am finding all types of solution, but no one is giving proper answer. I sometimes think of ending life rather than facing such money problems.

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