गुरुर्ब्रह्मा ग्रुरुर्विष्णुः गुरुर्देवो महेश्वरः । गुरुः साक्षात् परं ब्रह्म तस्मै श्री गुरवे नमः ॥

Gurudev Rajshree Mohan Dutt Rawal Ji
Jyotish(Astrology) Guru
Acharya Anupam Jolly

1) Chairman : International School of Astrology and Divine Science (www.astrologynspiritualism.com)
2) Secretary : Maitreya Organisation (www.maitreyaorganization.org)
3) Jaipur Chapter Chairman : All India Federation of Astrologer’s Society
4) Chief Editor : India Asking Web News Portal (www.indiaasking.com)
5) Celebrity Astrologer : “Kismat Connection” Regular Sunday Astrology Show at FM Radio City
6) Vice President : Indian Vedic Culture for Public Welfare Trust & Vedic Institute of Astrology & Divine Sciences
I believe everyone wants to have a ‘Meaning full life’. The journey of life with the awareness of ‘the right path’ and the ultimate goal of your life is to be ‘an achiever’, makes your life ‘MEANING FULL’. This is not just a philosophical quote; this is the experience of my life…
I was born in a very simple family with no background of Astrology. My family did not even believe in this science. I started my life with a strong thought: “I will live my life as a SPIRITUAL HUMAN SOUL”. By nature I can’t harm or hurt anyone. That’s why I couldn’t adjust with a regular relationship pattern, everyone was running after money and other materialistic goals and I did not want to be a part of this race. I took up a job for a time being, but it was pretty difficult as it required me to convince clients anyhow, be it misguide them by telling lies or by manipulations and to do all this, I had to compromise with my values and my soul was not accepting it. It was a very tough and I was confused because earning money was a necessity to survive. I couldn’t handle pressure on my soul and had to take a very strong decision and I left that job. I decided to live my life as per my choice and on my terms and conditions.
“The sun became full of light when it got hold of itself. Angels only began shining when they achieved discipline. The sun goes out whenever the cloud of not-praising comes. The moment the foolish angel felt insolent, he heard the door close.”
― Rumi
Education and Career:
I have completed my bachelor’s degree in science from Rajasthan University; along with my graduation I was studying Astrology. I was determined and very much keen to learn Astrology but the biggest challenge was to find ‘A GOOD TEACHER’…. I tried many institutes and many teachers but my quest was fulfilled, I was not getting the right combination of a great teacher and a great Astrologer. I remember it was summer of 1997 and I met Raj Rishi Shree Mohan Dutt Rawal Ji, introduces by one of my friends. I showed my horoscope to Rawal ji, He impressed me with his deep knowledge about Astrology. I asked him if he would teach me, and he replied- “So you were testing me whether I am a good astrologer or not???” … We both laughed and then he said you have a very beautiful combination of planets to be a good astrologer. This subject needs a lot of dedicated time to teach, due to lack of time, I won’t be able to do so. I apprised him of my knowledge which I gathered by reading so many books and to move ahead I need proper guidance of a teacher, He accepted my request. I took the best out of this situation by being with him as often as I could. We used to discuss so many secret rules and the most amazing part of my learning was when he used to tell me some ancient secret philosophy of astrology!
I am teaching astrology since 1998 and today I can say with confidence that I could be a good teacher because I had a very good teacher. Under my Guru’s guidance and advice, I have studied other subjects also like ‘Vastu Shastra’, ‘Palmistry’ and ‘Ramal Shastra’.
I did research on Vastu Shahstra and I found that- “We make a house once in our life time but that house makes us daily”… and that house to be perfect in all the aspects. If a house is not constructed as per the vastu rules then the people living in that house has to bear the brunt and fury of the vastu lord. Any ritual or any custom, Tantra-Mantra, Pooja-Path, cannot save them. One Generation to next generation will face pains, failures, troubles and spoiled relationships and so on… Here I am not trying to create any scare but take is a caution. We all want a prosperous and peaceful life but this is not possible if you don’t follow the guidelines of Vastu while constructing the house. When I was studying Vastu Shastra I met so many famous Vastu consultants and realized that many of them do not even know the exact energy zones and I was surprised how they are running institutions on their half-baked or at times false information. That’s when I decided to teach Vastu Shastra and today I am proud of my students as they are doing very well in their lives.
I want to share another interesting experience with my Guru Ji. He wanted me study one more very interesting subject, ‘Ramal Shastra’! He gave me some notes and a few very old books on this subject, which I humbly took and kept safely in my wardrobe… I didn’t want to learn Ramal shastra, as I felt it was not at all my ‘Cup of Tea’. After few days he asked me some questions on Ramal, I couldn’t answer him, and he knew I have not read any of the books or notes, he was very disappointed. He said: “Anupam I have a strong feeling that you have a very practical approach, your concepts are good and you can educate others with ease, I feel you should study Ramal Shastra deeply and simplify it make it easier for others to understand and use this knowledge”. His wise words and encouragement and strong faith in my abilities compelled me to me decide to learn and research deeply in Ramal Shastra. And once again there was no teacher to guide me. My thirst to gain as much information on this lesser known technique took me to many people ‘self-proclaimed Ramal shastris’ but most of my questions remained un-answered. To know more I have visited so many places and institutes but I always came back empty handed. Finally, I remembered my Guru Ji’s notes, neatly stacked at the back of my wardrobe… it was the most amazing compilation and I got every answer and every secret rule of Ramal shastra. I am in complete gratitude to my Guru Rawal ji. Whatever knowledge I am imparting to my students on Ramal Shastra is because of him. I could make this subject very attractive and easier for all; it is all because of his faith in me.
In 2001 I met Shree P. V. K. PUNNESHWAR RAO, he was a very good Krishnamurti Padyati (K P) astrologer. I learnt a lot about K P Astrology from him. He was extremely humble and intelligent; he didn’t hide anything about his knowledge. He gave me each and every original ‘secret’ of K P astrology which usually other astrologers hesitate to give anyone. By the K P method we can find more correct and accurate answers. This method of astrology works on important parts of the questions which are mostly very minute and hidden in the question. It helps you to know about the facts of personality, nature, color of skin, height, age group and profession, love life and many more secrets. It is a technical subject and ideally you should know astrology but I would say anyone can learn this.
Life is great fun if you don’t have to worry about ‘finances’!!! How we wish, that we all could live in this world of Utopia! But alas… the reality is different from this wonderland and I was no exception… I too was struggling to survive and find balance between my ideologies and my requirements and my responsibilities towards my family. On one side, I wanted a spiritual life and on other side my beautiful family that means world to me… During this complicated stressful period one of my very good friends gave me “Autobiography of Yogi”… As they say- Rest is History…
This book was like a ‘Divine Intervention at Divine Timing’! It has completely and beautifully changed my life.
I remember somewhere Rumi said:
“Knock and he’ll open the door, Vanish, and he’ll make you shine like the Sun;
Fall and he’ll raise you to the Heavens, Become nothing, and he’ll turn you into everything.”
I got my way to live a life without any compromise alongside fulfilling my responsibilities and requirements. Here I will quote Guru Paramhansa Yoganand Ji “If you run away from your duties you cannot get a path of Divinity”.
I am blessed that I chose this path where I am living in my dream world with my beloved family with my desired pattern of life.
Researches :
- Ramal Shastra History and different methods of answering with Ramal.
- Auspicious energy main gate calculation in Vastu Shastra ( Indian Ancient Architecture )
- Individual auspicious energy formula in Vastu Shastra.
- Upcoming Research Subjects : Vedic Numerology, Aayadi Sutra in Vastu, Sign Language in Palmistry.
Social Work Projects :
- Giving economic platform to artisans, who are struggling.
- Develop Education environment for poor children.
- Stress Counseling.
- Skill Development.